New .bin file has been added (synch43.bin).
It was created in Australia, with Arachnet provider (modulation G.DMT).
EciAdsl CVS is now ok with 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.
• EciAdsl CVS download
• Patch for 2.6.x kernels
EciAdsl has been tested with success on 2.6.0 kernel (thanks to crevetor).
Note: version for this kernel is not merged with official version for 2.4.xx kernels and is not compatible with 2.4 kernels.
To run this driver, you have to patch 2.6.0 kernel and use special EciAdsl v0.8 version.
Thanks for reading Readme.txt in the directory (link below).
• EciAdsl compatible with 2.6.0 kernel
0 commentsToday EciAdsl driver works with 2.6.0 kernel but versions available online are NOT ok with this kernel.
We're working hard on this problem, thanks for your patience and please don't send us mails for asking how to run EciAdsl with 2.6.0 kernel
If running 2.6.0 kernel is for you question of life or death, please join us on IRC, we'll explain you how to do for this kernel ;)
EciAdsl for *BSD is now available.
Please note that this version has been tested only with NetBSD and that there's not support today for this version.
But we welcome all bugs or comments about this version ;)
New .bin file has been added (synch42.bin).
It was created in Italy, with provider (modulation G.DMT).
New .bin file has been added (synch41.bin).
It was created in UK, with Etisalat provider.
New .bin file has been added (synch40.bin).
It was created in Bordeaux (France), with Nerim provider, T1.413 modulation.
New .bin file has been added (synch39.bin).
It was created in UK, with Eclipse Internet provider, T1.413 modulation.
*BSD version of EciAdsl driver is under development. USB API was completely rewritten by Benoit Papillault, it is now compatible with many OS (Linux, *BSD, QNX, etc.).
Today no *BSD version is available, but Benoit already managed to connect to the net with OpenBSD, so good news should not delay ;)