WeeChat is a fast, light and extensible chat client, with a text-based user interface.
It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.

Important: since 2009, the official WeeChat website has moved to https://weechat.org/.

News (page 4/5)

Version 0.1.1 ()

WeeChat 0.1.1 is available!

News since last version are:
- new display engine: doesn't cut words at end of lines
- DCC send (file) and DCC chat
- FIFO pipe for remote control
- connection to IRC server is now made by child process (non blocking)
- nicks count for channel buffers
- crash dump when WeeChat receives SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
- new commands: /ban, /unban, /kickban, /halfop, /dehalfop
- UnrealIrcd IRC servers support
- spanish translation
- bugs fixed (display and commands)

WeeChat download page
v0.1.1 ChangeLog


Version 0.1.0 ()

WeeChat 0.1.0 is available!

News since last version are:
- improved /window command: now split and merge are ok
- away nicks are now displayed with another color (new option: "irc_away_check")
- added away indicator in status bar
- added lag indicator (and auto-disconnect after a delay if important lag)
- improved completion: now completes commands arguments (IRC and internal)
- improved /set command: empty strings are allowed, new colors, server options can be changed while WeeChat is running
- added default away/part/quit messages in config file
- new [irc] section in config file
- added new options for charset (UTF-8 support)
- fixed many memory leaks
- fixed commands: /op, /deop, /voice, /devoice, /me, /away
- many bugs fixed.

WeeChat download page
v0.1.0 ChangeLog


Version 0.0.9 ()

WeeChat 0.0.9 is available!

News since last version are:
- auto reconnection to server when disconnected (and fixed bug: 100% CPU usage after disconnection),
- new "/buffer close" command (lets you close a server buffer),
- "/notice" command fixed,
- colors delete in incoming messages (existing option "look_remove_colors_from_msgs"),
- new keys Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E, Ctrl-W, Alt-S, Alt-X,
- new setup options: server_autoreconnect, sserver_autoreconnect_delay, server_command_delay.

WeeChat download page
v0.0.9 ChangeLog


Version 0.0.8 ()

WeeChat 0.0.8 is available!

News since last version are:
- DCC incoming file,
- away announced in channels,
- logging buffers to disk (optional),
- auto-join when kicked (optional),
- Ctrl-L key: redraw terminal,
- Alt-R key: clear hotlist,
- improved or fixed commands: /buffer, /query, /kick,
- many bugs fixed.

WeeChat download page
v0.0.8 ChangeLog


Version 0.0.7 ()

WeeChat 0.0.7 is available!

News since last version are:
- new channels management, with numbered buffers,
- multi-windows management with /window and /buffer commands,
- auto jump to buffers with activity (Alt-A),
- jump to buffers by number (Alt-number),
- unique color for each nick (based on nickname),
- history limit (saves memory).

WeeChat download page
v0.0.7 ChangeLog


Major new features ()

WeeChat has many new important features since some weeks:
- multi-windows management (with horizontal and vertical window split)
- buffers managed by number, with direct access by Alt+digit key or with new /buffer command
- auto jump to buffers with activity (Alt-A)

All new features are in CVS and development version. /window and /buffer commands are still under development.
Feel free to report any problem or suggestion to improve navigation between buffers/windows.

Last version screenshot
WeeChat download page, development version


Version 0.0.6 ()

WeeChat 0.0.6 is available!

News since last version are:
- improved channel highlight (priority to message vs join/part)
- fixed bug when opened private win and remote user changes his nick
- /query command added (starts private conversation)
- IRC messages 476, 477 added
- /mode command is now ok and channel flags are displayed in status bar
- fixed display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
- CTCP Version reply is now in English only and doesn't show host (security reason)

WeeChat download page
v0.0.6 ChangeLog


Version 0.0.5 ()

WeeChat 0.0.5 is available!

News since last version are:
- info bar with highlight from other channels, can be modified by Perl scripts
- /set command (configuration can be modified while WeeChat is running)
- new command line parameter: "-c" to see config options
- nick is now un*x username in default config
- secured code to prevent any buffer overflow
- many bugs fixed

WeeChat download page
v0.0.5 ChangeLog


Version 0.0.4 ()

WeeChat 0.0.4 is available!

News since last version are:
- Perl scripts support, with auto-load
- highlight
- Ctrl-C now intercepted (ignored)
- debug messages can be enabled via ./configure --enbale-debug option
- many bugs fixed

WeeChat download page


WeeChat scripts page ()

WeeChat scripts page (today Perl scripts only) has been added.
On this page you can submit your script (need to be approved by WeeChat development team).

Nota: Perl scripts required version of WeeChat > 0.0.3, so today you must download develepment version.

WeeChat scripts page
WeeChat development version