FlashTux.org Started on

FlashTux.org is a website hosting free software for free OS (Linux, BSD, etc.).

License: GPL3
Support: IRC, mail.

Page: FlashTux.org
Sources: https://github.com/flashtux/flashtux.org

WeeChat Started on

WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast and light IRC client for many operating systems.
Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable and extensible with scripts.
It is compliant with RFCs 1459, 2810, 2811, 2812, and 2813.

License: GPL3
Support: IRC, mail (+ mailing list).

Page: WeeChat
Website: https://weechat.org/
Sources: https://github.com/weechat/weechat

EciAdsl Started on

EciAdsl is a Linux driver for ADSL USB modems with Globespan chipset.
Latest version supports 65 different modems all over the world (6 communication protocols) and comes with a graphical configuration tool.
Packages are available for many Linux distributions and *BSD.

License: GPL2
Support: IRC, mail (+ mailing list).

Page: EciAdsl
Sources: https://github.com/flashtux/eciadsl

WeeWM Started on

WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment Window Manager) is a fast and light window manager for XFree86.
Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable, includes a dock, smart window placement, virtual desktops, and much more.

License: GPL2
Support: IRC, mail (+ mailing list).

Page: WeeWM
Sources: https://github.com/flashtux/weewm

W3BlackList Started on

W3Blacklist is a website for making the W3C standards respected. It denounces any website (commercial, governemt or organization) which discriminate visitors according to their operating system or web browser.
There is regular mailings to webmasters, in the hope the website will me modified to be compliant with standards. Letters templates are available for your mails.

License: GPL3
Support: IRC, mail.

Page: W3BlackList
Sources: https://github.com/flashtux/flashtux.org

Gmemo Started on

Gmemo is an applet which reminds you of birthdays, feasts (with first name, Mother's day, etc.), or any other event.
It is customizable (name, type, date & time, repeat mode, multi-alarm mode, etc.).

License: GPL2
Support: IRC, mail (+ mailing list).

Page: Gmemo
Sources: https://github.com/flashtux/gmemo

FlashTris Started on

FlashTris is a Tetris-like game. It features multiple players over the Internet or a local network, team games, bonus levels, play versus computers, a pieces editor, and many other options.

License: GPL2
Support: Mail.

Page: FlashTris
