Important: W3BlackList has been discontinued, the website is read-only and not updated any more.

W3Blacklist open ()

W3Blacklist is now open, after almost one year of interruption. Original website (created by Cédric Malherbe), at has been rewritten.
Database has been kept and will be slowly updated (any help welcome, contact webmaster if interested).

This website is here to make the W3C standards respected. It denounces any website (commercial or governemt) which discriminate visitors according to their operating system or web browser.
There is regular mailings to webmasters, in the hope the website will me modified to be compliant with standards. Letters templates are available for your mails.

Features of old website are still there:
- websites list with search bar,
- new website submit (gives place to tests and moderation),
- documentation about standards and their importance,
- letters templates to send to webmasters,
- FAQ about website,
- support with mail and IRC.

New features have been added:
- mail alert when changes on a selected website,
- follow-up of the mails sent to webmasters, and answers received.

Websites list
Letters templates

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