WeeChat is a fast, light and extensible chat client, with a text-based user interface.
It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.

Important: since 2009, the official WeeChat website has moved to https://weechat.org/.

Version 0.0.6 ()

WeeChat 0.0.6 is available!

News since last version are:
- improved channel highlight (priority to message vs join/part)
- fixed bug when opened private win and remote user changes his nick
- /query command added (starts private conversation)
- IRC messages 476, 477 added
- /mode command is now ok and channel flags are displayed in status bar
- fixed display bug (text was blinking when scrolling)
- CTCP Version reply is now in English only and doesn't show host (security reason)

WeeChat download page
v0.0.6 ChangeLog

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