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WeeChat: Version 0.2.2 ()

WeeChat 0.2.2 is available!

News since last version are:
- added new charset plugin, which replaces internal /charset command: fixes many bugs with charsets, WeeChat internal is now full UTF-8
- added "modifier" in plugins API: plugins are now able to modify or drop received IRC messages
- added filename completion
- added anti-flood mechanism
- added keys to scroll topic
- added new option to send unknown IRC commands
- improved /plugin command
- pdf version of documentation is back
- fixed many bugs: portability, memleak in keyboard input, ignore and alias commands, many display bugs.

WeeChat download page
v0.2.2 ChangeLog

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This isn't really charset enabled version
Posted by Stingray,
In many localized IRC networks it is common to patch ircd to allow localized nicknames. So, it is really needed to convert the entire command with nick alltogether.
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