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WeeChat: Version 0.1.8 ()

WeeChat 0.1.8 is available!

News since last version are:
- added IRC raw data buffer (new key: alt-J + alt-R)
- keys alt-{home|end} to scroll top/bottom, alt-{f11-f12} to scroll nicklist top/bottom
- added new scroll keys for a few lines up/down (default: alt-pgup/pgdn)
- added Lua script plugin
- improved Ruby plugin
- added functions in plugins API: get_server_info, free_server_info, get_channel_info, free_channel_info, get_nick_info, free_nick_info
- added special names for plugin message handlers: weechat_pv, weechat_highlight, weechat_ctcp, weechat_dcc
- script plugins now load scripts in WeeChat system share directory
- added inactivity time, available for plugins via get_info("inactivity")
- added new plugins functions: add_timer_handler, remove_timer_handler, remove_infobar
- many commands allowed for aliases
- many commands allowed when connecting to server
- added options "irc_show_away_once", "look_nick_complete_first", "look_open_near_server", "irc_away_check_max_nicks"
- added new command line argument for setting WeeChat homedir (-d or --dir)
- added partial hungarian translation
- improved alias completion (now uses target command for completion)
- /msg command does not open any buffer any more (use /query for opening private buffer)
- fixed crash when using global history (when older entry is removed)
- fixed bug with /upgrade and servers buffer
- fixed bug with "get_dcc_info" plugin interface function
- many other bugs fixed

WeeChat download page
v0.1.8 ChangeLog
Release notes (NEWS file)

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