New EciAdsl 0.9 RPM ()

RPM for v0.9 of EciAdsl driver has been replaced by new version, old one was broken due to dependency to "perl-base" (package that does not exist).

EciAdsl download page

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Re: New EciAdsl 0.9 RPM
Posted by SigmaAll,
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to Linux, unfortunately I have the BT Voyager 105, and the driver I downloaded from here doesn't seem to work at all :( which is probably my own doing, can anyone help me?

I have Mandrake 10.0 official release and my modem is plugged into a USB card which I think might be the problem because when startmodem tries to shut down the USB port it just hangs there and doesn't do anything else, please please help, because I REALLY hate windows 98. Thanks for any replies :)
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