EciAdsl and 2.6.x kernels ()

EciAdsl driver is compatible with 2.6 kernels since version 0.9.
All 2.6 kernels between 2.6.0 and 2.6.6 have to be patched (look at link below).

Update on 2004-06-23: 2.6.7 and kernels are not stable with EciAdsl.
Kernel 2.6.9-rc1 seems stable.

Feel free to report us any stability problem with 2.6 kernels.

Patch for 2.6 kernels (≥ 2.6.0 and ≤ 2.6.6)

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Re: EciAdsl et les noyaux 2.6.x
Posted by pierlo,
i'm running on archlinux with kernel and when i try to download files from a web browser (i.e. firefox, galeon, mozilla...tried them all) the program freezes and i have to kill it. Otherwise surfing is ok and downloading with wget makes no probs at all - what could that be? it's a very annoying thing and i can't realiza wether it has something to do with the eciadsl driver or not - if not feel free to delete this post :)
Thanks for the great job - hope you can help me figuring this out!
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